We combine technical skills, process rigour, tools, methodologies, overall structure and strategies to seamlessly deliver services across time zones through our local talent pool.
As Indian mid-market businesses plan to expand their global footprint, the UK has emerged as a favoured destination. Data from the International Business Report (IBR) Q2 2024, the world’s leading survey of mid-market companies, suggests that 89% of Indian mid-market firms view the UK as a key market for growth. Showcasing similar interest, around 61% of UK businesses identify India as a key market for their business expansion.
A&K Consultancy has operated in the India-UK corridor for nearly three decades to identify growth opportunities for companies in both countries. Our annual India meets Britain Tracker measures the growing scale of Indian investment in the UK and monitors the fastest-growing Indian-owned companies and largest employers, while our annual Britain Meets India Report identifies the top UK companies in India in terms of revenue, growth and employment.
A&K Consultancy global member firms are dedicated to supporting clients throughout their international ventures, whether it involves taking initial steps, entering new markets, or comprehending tax obligations in multiple jurisdictions. Our team of experts is committed to providing the necessary guidance to help you achieve your business goals effectively.
A&K Consultancy global member firms have established International Business Centres (IBCs) worldwide to aid clients in their international expansion and exploration of business opportunities. If you intend to conduct business in India, understanding the investment environment and obtaining information about the corporate, accounting, business, and taxation framework are vital to ensure a successful journey. With its accredited IBC in India, A&K Consultancy can provide the expertise and support to keep you on the right path.
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